Film/New Media
“Cooked” film. directed by Judith Helfand, still in production.
"Anchovies" film directed by Craig Harwood 2015
"The Rules of Summer" (book app) by Shaun Tan 2014
"Graphic Depictions" film directed by Stoya 2014
"Queen of Kings" book trailer for Maria Headley 2011
"Statuesque" composition for short film written and directed by Neil Gaiman -debut on Sky TV, UK, Christmas Day, 2010
"Luka and the Fire of Life" book trailer for Salman Rushdie, November, 2010
"Hotel Grammarcy Park" film by director Douglas Keeves (Unzipped) April 2008
"The City" Vladan Nikolic 2007
"Knockin" NPR song of the day, Carolina Chocolate Drops/Luminescent Orchestrii EP, May, 2011
"Cities" Radiolab, NPR, October, 2010
"Brooklyn Bridge Song" NPR song of the day, Sonic New York, August 13, 2010
"Brooklyn Bridge Song" featured animation by Micheal Arthur and John Ivy, NYT website front page, June 2010
"BBC Charm Sessions" curation hosting and performing for this BBC Radio 2 series, live from NYC, 2003